Friday, May 20, 2011

How to merge two diffrent Hashtable in

//Method return an XML
  public Hashtable GetSimpleCollection()
        Hashtable XMLmappingHash = new Hashtable();
        ////Test XML parser....
        XmlTextReader testXMlReader = XMLparse();
        //Load the Loop
        while (!testXMlReader.EOF)
            //Go to the name tag
            //if not start element exit while loop
            //if (!testXMlReader.IsStartElement())
            //    break; // TODO: might not be correct. Was : Exit While
            string nodetype = testXMlReader.Name;
            string attributeValue = string.Empty;
            if (nodetype == "excelcol")
                while (testXMlReader.MoveToNextAttribute())
                    attributeValue = testXMlReader.Value;
                XMLmappingHash.Add(testXMlReader.ReadElementString("excelcol"), attributeValue);
        return XMLmappingHash;

// Another Mehtod return hashtable
 public Hashtable GetCompositeHashtable()
        string val =string.Empty;
        StringBuilder sb;
        Hashtable CompHashtable=new Hashtable();
        XmlDocument XMLRead = new XmlDocument(); // Create instance of XmlDocument class    
        //XMLRead.Load(Server.MapPath("Page1.xml")); // Load Xml file
        XmlNodeList nodes = XMLRead.SelectNodes(@"excelMapping/tableName");
        foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
            XmlNodeList nodes2list = node.ChildNodes;
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes2list.Count; i++)
                string key = "comp1" + i;
                string Nodetype = nodes2list[i].Name;
                if (Nodetype == "excelsComposite")
                    XmlNode CompositeNode = nodes2list.Item(i);
                    XmlNodeList CompNodeChild = CompositeNode.ChildNodes;
                    sb = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (XmlNode CompChild in CompNodeChild)
                        if (CompChild.Attributes["operation"].Value == "Add")
                            foreach (XmlNode CompChildNodeValue in CompChild)
                                //sb = sb.Append("SUM");
                                sb = sb.Append(CompChildNodeValue.InnerText);
                               sb= sb.Append(",");
                            if (sb.Length!=0)
                                sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1);
                        if (CompChild.Attributes["operation"].Value == "Divide")
                            sb = sb.Append(CompChild.InnerText);
                            //val = "(x1+x2)/x3";
                        //string ControlID = n2a.InnerText.Trim();
                        // string ControlType = n2a.Attributes["ControlType"].Value;
                        // string AccessMode = n2a.Attributes["AccessType"].Value;
                        // AddControl(ControlType, ControlID, AccessMode);
                    CompHashtable.Add(key, sb);
        return CompHashtable;

////Method that merge two diffrent Hashtables

 public Hashtable GetCompleteCollection()
        string HashKey = string.Empty;
        string HashValue = string.Empty;
        Hashtable DatafieldHashmap = new Hashtable();
        Hashtable CompHashMap = new Hashtable();
        DatafieldHashmap = GetSimpleCollection();
        CompHashMap = GetCompositeHashtable();
        IDictionaryEnumerator Hashmap = CompHashMap.GetEnumerator();
        while (Hashmap.MoveNext())
            HashKey = Hashmap.Key.ToString();
            HashValue = Hashmap.Value.ToString();
        return DatafieldHashmap;

//// Call this on page load like this

 Hashtable XMLCollectionreturn = new Hashtable();
   XMLCollectionreturn = GetCompleteCollection();

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